PMC Bonus Round 2020

We are pleased to announce that the 2019/2020 Primary Maths Challenge has been completed and the awards for the Bonus Round have been made. Results have been posted to schools and should be received shortly.

66 500 pupils entered the November Challenge and 2521 pupils scoring 21 or over were invited to take part in the Bonus Round in February 2020.

Score Category

0 to 5

6 to 10

11 to 15

16 to 20

21 to 25

Percentage of pupils in range










Awards have been allocated to those who have scored 14 marks or higher and results indicate that there will be;

195 awards for Gold (21 - 25 marks)

685 for silver (17 - 20 marks)

710 for Bronze (14 - 16 marks)

February 2020 Bonus Round Award Winners

May we take this opportunity to congratulate all the children who took part in the 2019/2020 Primary Mathematics Challenge. 

Have you read the PMC Newsletter

Should you issue your results (and/or invite a photo opportunity) to your local newspaper, we would be very pleased to receive a photocopy of any resulting press cuttings.  A proforma press release is available here.