Welcome to the Primary Mathematics Challenge


What is the PMC?

Created by The Mathematical Association, the Primary Mathematics Challenge (PMC) is a fun and exciting mathematical challenge.

The PMC is not designed to be just another test in the school year.  We are of the belief that the PMC encourages enthusiasmboosts confidence in mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. We believe in the importance of problem solving as a means of helping pupils develop their reasoning skills.

“A very well organised competition, easy to access and administer...a wonderful opportunity to extend and challenge our most able mathematicians.”

Who is it for?

The PMC is aimed at pupils in primary schools, aged 9 - 11 years old.

Open to schools and home-schooled pupils worldwide, we regret that the PMC is not open to individuals or tutoring groups outside of school.

To find out more please check our FAQs.



How do we take part?

Schools can now take part in three ways;


Schools can take part online. Access is sold per 10 pupils. Links to access the paper will be sent to schools before the Challenge. The paper works on iPads, most tablet devices, laptops and PCs. The paper is marked automatically. Certificates are downloaded and printed in school. 

Paper PDF

Schools can order a PDF of the paper, currently sold in sets of 10. Schools print the paper in school and mark the papers themselves. Certificates can be downloaded and printed in schools. 

Paper packs

Schools can order packs of PMC papers for delivery to schools. Packs contain everything needed to take the Challenge. Papers are marked in school and results are returned to us for the Bonus Round. The deadline for ordering packs is the 13th of October. 

Try out the past papers

Designed to make pupils think outside the box, PMC questions can create a great starting point and lead to discussions later in the year. We try to make sure the questions are not heavily reliant on formal mathematical knowledge but can be solved by logical reasoning.

Download Past Papers